How to Alleviate Heel Pain: Causes and Solutions

Your heel bears the weight of your body when standing and walking. So, when heel pain strikes, even simple daily tasks become difficult and potentially disrupt daily life. Dr. Richard Grayson from Avon Podiatry Associates in Avon, CT, notes that mild to moderate heel pain might be alleviated with rest and ice therapy, as this can effectively address the underlying causes and symptoms. 

However, if the pain feels like needles in your heel or does not improve, it is in your best interest to see a podiatrist.

How to Alleviate Heel Pain: Causes 

 Heel pain may develop from various causes; however, it is most often due to excessive stress—from simple overuse, poor-fitting shoes, strains, trauma/injury, or carrying excess body weight—as any one of these can cause excessive pressure pressing down on the heel bone or its surrounding soft tissue. 

Examples of common heel pain causes -

  • Achilles Tendinitis
     When the Achilles tendon (above your heel) becomes aggravated or inflamed, it is known as tendinitis. This happens from continuous strain, which causes pain and swelling.
  • Plantar Fasciitis
    This cause of heel pain is the most common. It occurs when the soft tissue running the bottom of your foot becomes inflamed.
  • Heel Spurs
    These refer to bone growths that develop underneath the heel. Bony spurs in the heels often happen when plantar fasciitis develops. 
  • Stress Fracture
    A stress fracture is a tiny bone crack caused by repetitive stress or overuse, which worsens when bearing weight. Individuals engaged in high-impact sports or activities are particularly susceptible to stress fractures in the heel bone.
  • Over-Pronation
    Pronation refers to your foot's capacity to flex and absorb movement while walking.  Excessive pronation often causes significant stress, which can stretch ligaments and tendons.
  • Nerve Entrapment
    If the nerves in your foot/ankle become compressed, this may also cause heel pain. 

Heel pain may also develop due to a medical condition–

  • Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Bursitis.
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Sever’s Disease and more.

How to Alleviate Heel Pain: Solutions

 Treatment options are contingent on how early you have caught the potential issue; a podiatrist can -

  • Prescribe oral or injectable anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • Recommend functional improvements - 
    • Custom-made orthotics. 
    • Tape or splinting for support, etc.
  • Prescribe Therapeutic exercise.

 Surgical intervention is possible for advanced cases or heel pain that does not improve with more conservative measures.

Contact a Leading Avon, CT, Podiatrist for Heel Pain Relief Today

 For more information, contact Dr. Grayson or a member of a staff member of Avon Podiatry Associates at (860) 677-7733 or online.