Ingrown Toenails: Causes, Treatment Options, and Prevention Tips

Dr. Richard J. Grayson is our experienced, skilled, and board-certified doctor of podiatry medicine at Avon Podiatry Associates in Avon, CT.  In today’s blog, our doctor wants to discuss the causes, treatment options, and prevention tips for ingrown toenails.

Causes of Ingrown Toenails

When your feet hurt, your whole body begins to hurt. While there are many reasons for foot pain, one of the most common is an ingrown toenail. An ingrown toenail happens when the nail's edge grows downward and into the toe's skin. It can become inflamed, infected, and extremely painful. The following are the top causes of this painful condition. 

  • Improper nail cutting
  • Tight footwear
  • Injury or trauma
  • Genetics

The symptoms of these causes create pain and tenderness on either side of the toenail. There is generally swelling and redness at ingrown toenail sites and an infection can develop. If one does, you may see pus, the pain worsens, and your toe becomes warm to the touch. Wearing shoes and standing on your feet will undoubtedly be very uncomfortable.

Treatment Options and Prevention Tips

There are at-home remedies you can do to ease your pain and suffering, such as soaking your feet in warm, soapy water that helps to decrease swelling and pain. 

If you gently lift the side of the nail and place a piece of gauze under this area, you can train the nail not to grow downward. 

Always avoid tight shoes and socks to allow space for your toes to move. Topical and oral antibiotics help eliminate infection. Enjoy excellent foot hygiene by daily washing and thorough drying of your feet.

Cutting your toenails straight across instead of tapering them is one of the best things you can do to prevent an ingrown toenail. If you have diabetes or another condition that interferes with your ability to feel your feet or with their healing, it takes the expertise of a podiatry doctor to diagnose and treat an ingrown toenail correctly.

Call Us Today for Your Podiatry Appointment!

Call Dr. Grayson today at Avon Podiatry Associates in Avon, CT, at 860-677-7733 and schedule your appointment for foot care. You only have one pair of feet, so you must care for them so they can carry you comfortably for many more miles throughout your lifetime. 

Prevention is the best thing you can do through regular podiatry visits to maintain healthy feet and ankles. Allow us to help you reach your goal for healthy feet.